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Become a T.Flemming Ministries Partner and help us take this gospel message all over the world. If this ministry has been a blessing to you, if there was a word said or a message shared through this ministry that has changed your life, then help us be a blessing to other people just like yourself. 

When you partner with us you enable us to continue to go into the homes of millions of people through our weekly church broadcast and reach people who are bound with yokes of depression, hopelessness, despair, addictions, demonic oppression, and fear, and set them free with the Word and power of God. You help us in our efforts to financially aid ministries in both Liberia Africa as well as India as they continue with the Kingdom work of winning lost souls for Jesus. You play a part in the evangelizing of nations, tribes, and cultures most will never see. For this, God promises to bless you as stated in 2 Corinthians chapter 9.


Other benefits of partnering with T.Flemming Ministries are: special discounts off of products and events such as conferences, free quarterly give-aways, a direct word of encouragement from Pastor Flemming, Sr. sent straight to you; to partake in the anointing resting over this ministry, access to exclusive online content, and more.


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Watch Us On:

Impact Network

Sundays 3:00pm

Channel 57 WATC

Saturdays 8:00pm

Campbellton Rd. Campus

2755 Campbelton Rd., Atlanta, GA. 30311

Tel: 404-344-0343

Fax: 404-344-9336

Service Times 

Sunday Worship: 9 am 

Wednesday Bible Study: 7:30 pm

Saturday Church School: 10 am


Summerhill Campus

768 Martin St. Atlanta, GA. 30315

Service Times

Sunday Worship: 9 am

© 2017 by Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. Design by Timothy Flemming, Jr.

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