Jesus is the savior and hope for mankind. The Bible says in Acts 4:12 that salvation is found in no other name other than that of Jesus'. In John chapter 10, Jesus explained that He is the only way to heaven. Jesus left heaven and put on flesh and dwelled among us as a man so that His perfect blood could be shed for our sins and He could take our punishment for sins on Himself. But after being in the grave for 3 days He rose from the grave and returned back to heaven with the promise to return.

Jesus did claim to be God in the Bible. For example, in John 14:9 Jesus said that He and the Heavenly Father are one. Also, in John 5:17-18 Jesus claimed to be equal with the Heavenly Father. Jesus was criticized by the Pharisees (religious leaders) for claiming to possess the right to forgive people's sins, which the Scriptures said ONLY GOD can do in Isaiah 43:25. Yes. Jesus claimed to be God...and other Bible verses repeatedly state that He is God, the second member of the Trinity.

The free gift of salvation must be received by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Believing unto salvation simply means believing the Jesus is God and that He died and rose from the grave for your sins on the cross, and choosing His lordship over your life (to live for Him). You can't earn heaven and work for it; you must accept Jesus' forgiveness of your sins and surrender to Him.

Having a relationship with God doesn't mean you are perfect; it means you continually seek after Him in your life. Establishing a relationship with God means spending time with Him in prayer and reading His Word so that you can live according to His will. Think about it: How do you establish any relationship? You spend time with someone. The same is to be said about a relationship with God.

As Romans 10:9 declares, you must believe that Jesus died and rose from the grave on the third day for YOUR sins, and that Jesus is savior, messiah. You must confess Him as lord. If you want to do so, pray this prayer: "Lord Jesus, I receive you as my lord and savior. Forgive me for my sins. Wash me with your precious blood. I denounce the world and choose to be yours. Thank you for forgiving me and saving me, in Jesus name, Amen."

Find a good church home. Ephesians chapter 4 says God gave the church pastors in order to train Believers in the service of God. Hebrews chapter 10 says we must not "forsake" the fellowship of the saints, but rather come together to "provoke" each other to grow in God and walk in His love. You need a support system. Also, set aside time daily to spend with God, praying and reading His Word. Grow in the Word of God. Joining a good ministry will help in this area greatly.