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Mt. Carmel Baptist Church has two locations: its Campbellton Rd. location and its original Summerhill location. Mt. Carmel boasts a large selection of ministries, many of which cater to the community.
We believe Jesus is Lord and Savior, the only way to heaven, the 2nd member of the Trinity, that He died on the cross and rose from the grave on the 3rd day. We believe in the Trinity (the Father, Son/Logos, and Holy Spirit). We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God given to men by God. We believe the Holy Spirit moved through men of old to write the content within the Bible. We believe in baptism as a sacrament, but not a requirement for salvation. To be saved all one has to do is believe on Jesus in their heart and accept Him as Lord. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the operation of the charismatic gifts (healing, miracles, tongues, prophecy, word of knowledge, gift of wisdom, etc.). We are not bound by denomination and tradition, but we are open to the moving of the Holy Spirit.
How should you come? Come with your jeans and tennis shoes on, or a suit if you like. It doesn't matter with us. What matters is that you come with an appetite...for the uncompromising Word of God.

Original Mt. Carmel Church

Mt. Carmel Summerhill Church

Procession into new sanctuary

Original Mt. Carmel Church
History Greater Mt. Carmel Baptist Church was started in 1930+ by Rev. O.C. Woods. After the passing of Rev. Woods, the church voted Rev. Timothy Flemming, Sr. in to be the pastor in 1978. Under the leadership of Rev. Flemming, Sr. the church grew mightily, until finally outgrowing its Summerhill location and building a 3,500 seat sanctuary on Campbellton Rd. in Atlanta in 1989. The church continues to grow today.
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